The melted finger tips grasped the final jar. If he’d been listening he would’ve heard the sound of his exposed bone clattering on the glass. The flesh from his hands had long since disintegrated, the nerves dulled to a point of non-existence. He held the rim up to his cracked lips and poured.
He didn’t care what they said; it was possible to overcome the burning. It was like tinnitus, one day you just got used to it and it was no longer an issue. The acid slithered down his throat, burning everything it ran over. It hit him instantly, like a shot to the abdomen. He rolled onto his back, the yellow froth erupted from his slack mouth.
It began to expand along his face and eventually dripping into his eyes. That part still burned, he was certain there was no way to avoid it either. He took a last look at his apartment. It was like a blackhole, no light could enter or exit. However, instead of being down to gravitational mass, it was more to do with his heavily tinted windows. And possibly the deep black curtains that covered the aforementioned windows.
The apartments ‘Theme Wall™’ had long since been broken by a night of partying, as had the lights. Not that he minded, he liked the darkness and the lack of distractions. It left a blank canvas, for his supercharged mind to wield its considerable talent over. What he saw varied, sometimes pain, sometimes ecstasy, sometimes nothing more than pins and needles. As the ships whizzed, whirred and hummed past his apartment the sounds reverberated around the room and into his head. He saw the noises as colours, which in turn he felt. The smaller ships were purple and wavy, while the much larger humming ships were huge and white. They all hurt.
He felt the gasworm juice soak into his corneas, he smiled as the toxicity stripped away his brain cells and slowly turned the grey matter into mush. It was a nice feeling. He had total control. Some said it was the dealers who had control over them. He and other readers of Worm-juicers Biweekly scoffed at such an idea. He read it whenever he could be bothered to wander over to his monitor wall and click the icon. It gave him helpful harvesting techniques, the best ways to milk a worm and the top 10 greatest filtering substances, toxic waste from the Oozing Gyre was always in the top 5.
aforementioned ;)